Your stories

Our story


I’m writing our story, because I think it may help other couples who have been, or currently are, in the same situation as us.

Like many others before us, after several attempts in Italy and Switzerland, we were financially and emotionally exhausted. We decided to rely on GENNET and immediately found several testimonials that encouraged and convinced us to contact Prague.

The interview was arranged quickly after filling out the form and the communication was always clear and simple, thanks to our wonderful and very kind coordinator.

Hopeful, and very scared, we boarded the plane and from that moment our lives have changed.

We’ve had wonderful few days in Prague, between the pick-up and the transfer we stayed for 6 days. It was a foreign destination, therefore we also tried to live it as a holiday...and we came home as a family of three!

It was a big surprise! We were amazed by the professionalism and the availability for the transfer, everything was perfectly sanitised and organised.

Nine months later, after that November, our great love Noah was born, and our life was filled with immense joy. We will truly be forever grateful to GENNET and all the staff, for making us the family we dreamed of being!

Our story